...where we enjoy learning and living the Gospel and loving others with its truth.


This Sunday, 03/23/2025

  • Morning sermon Romans 7:1-7, Freed from the Law
  • Evening sermon Romains 7:14-20 Whose sin?
  • Next sunday, 03/30 please plan to have a Sunday School gathering with your Sunday School class. You may meet at church, at a restaurant, or someone's home. Invite someone who doesn't come to Sunday School to be there.
  • 04/06, Sunday Evening for first fellowship, we will have Mexican food and play "Win, Loose, or Draw" Please sign up on the back bulletin board if you plan to attend. Bring a friend.
  • WMU 03/24 at 05:30pm
  • Pastor Brian will be preaching at Second Baptist, Tuesday March 25th at 7pm. Please make plans to support him as part of their Spring Revival services.
  • 04/18/2025, there will be a Good Friday Service.
  • Tentative VBS date, is the week of July 13th, but still needing feeback from volunteers. We also need a prayer team, and decorating team.
  • 04/13/2025, Palum Sunday Night will be with Garrett Henderson, who will be leading worship, singing, and sharing his testimony for Second Sunday Singing and Service, at 6:00 PM.





Lime Branch Baptist

1127 Tallapoosa Hwy.
      Cedartown, GA 30125

9:45 AM  Sunday School
            11:00 AM Morning Worship
6:00 PM Evening Worship

6:00 PM